Final Project of Information Technology

The Fatoni University Hostel Online Management System is an online web application system to provide university students’ accommodation to the Fatoni University Hostel more professionally. This project also keep details of the hostellers and applied students. It is headed by Mr. Abbas Abdullah, Mr. Mustofa Romli, Ms. Wanzainab Yidoromae and Ms. Faridah Daramae, they will be the administrator of the online web application system, for accommodate a large number of students into 
the Fatoni University Hostel.   
This online web application system is designed in approval of Fatoni University’s hostel management which helps them to save the records of the students about their rooms and other informations. This project is planned to minimize human works and make hostel division is easily working for students and hostel manager. It automatically select the students from the waiting list and mess calculation, complaint registration, and notice board and students will get approval notification in their 
profile account. 

- The whole processing of hostel division and management is done manually, it is requires a lot of effort from staff and wasted time. 
- Student have to come to the hostel office for applying their application form, its really hard for them in travelling.  
- Student’s information retrieval is difficult and records are unsecured cause of manual method of storage using hard cover notes. 
- The hostel manager cannot give correctly information of the occupancy of a specific room. 
- The hostel manager cannot make a report clearly about the hostel for every semester. 

The goal of this project study is to develop Online Hostel Management System that will manage the hostel activities of Fatoni University. The main objectives of this project include: 
- To develop a FTU hostel online management system to upgrade and automate 
the whole processing of the hostel division, management and provide online 
application form for students to apply to the hostel. 
- To design and develop a center database system that would serve as hostel 
database, which will contain all the records related to the hostel. 
- To combine necessary information to make a report for every semester. 

The scope of this project study is on the development of hostel management for Fatoni University: 
- This project which is web application system and develop into two languages (Thai and English). 
- There are two actors (Admin and Student) who can access into the system, and they are standing in different rule of using. 
- Admin of this system can control every activities of students like payment, profile info, reporting, and package moreover can admin control on system management like posting new activity and hostel reporting. 
- Student is a position as a costumer of this hostel management system, they can manage their personal information, check and book the hostel or room, make a report to the admin and see post activity from the admin. 
- The information being processed by using ID and password to limit access to only approved individuals. 
- The project creates a database for the storage of all students and hostellers informations. 

Signification of this system will achieve all following: 
- The system can improve all processing of FTU Hostel management. 
- Student will be easily in their living condition by access to the online system. 
- All Informations or records of the hostel will have more security by using online database (MYSQL). 
- The system will make the administrators can manage and divide of the hostels and rooms to all student easily and fastly. 
- In every semester the system will collect some necessary information and make a report result of each hostel for administrators. 
- The system help Fatoni University to make less cost for staffs’ services. 
This Project "Fatoni University Hostel Online Management System" is designed to complete the final project of Information Technology Bachelor degree and developed by using Bootsrap, PHP, Mysql, JavaScript. Goto view this Web application System "".

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